- The Daily Puppy. I guess it’s more “cute” than “beautiful” technically but oh my dear sweet Jesus I really want a dog right now. Anybody want to lend me theirs? Just for a run or two. I’ll give them back before they wake me up in the morning.
- Flight Patterns. Mostly for Matt, but it’s just really cool. If air traffic control were ballet, it would be this.
- I Can Feel it in the Air Tonight. You will not be able to watch this clip without smiling. And possibly feeling sort of wonderful, too. It’s just gorgeous.
…now I have to go upload some pictures so we can see how Erin and Rinnie look rock climbing.
I bet they look EXTREEEEEME.
Updated to add: while uploading I looked at my Flickr counts and I have to say, I’m pretty disturbed that this is my most-viewed photo. They’re nice and all, but they’re not even mine! (Literally – even the inflatables themselves didn’t belong to me.) Could y’alls please go click on a few other photos to at least give that more company? And I wouldn’t say no to a comment or two, either.
(Updated to also add: if my friends really really love me they will send me pictures that make me look equally extreeeeeme.)
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