Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


The only thing left dirty in this house is me.

So in keeping with the theme, let’s see how much random clutter I can clean out.

  • Etsy (via finslippy I think) all manner of gorgeous handmade shoppery, and also for “I could totally do that why don’t I already” inspiration. Honestly it’s mostly a little craftsy for my taste, but even so it’s really beautiful stuff. And I could play with the geolocator and the color sorter forever.
  • SpaceSavers (via Karen) if you, like her, need stuff for your stuff.
  • Distilled (via Jilly) because her friend Sep did this as well as last Sunday’s LoveLines. I really like his style. (Although some of the clothes look a little too consciously downmarket. I’m not going to Fred Segal to buy a stripey polo, you know? But I love the turtle. And that hoodie with a satin Asian-print trim makes me go oooh.)
  • You know by now I’m a sucker for “Whose Line.” So this clip cracks my shit up.
  • I’ve been totally addicted to Angela Kinsey’s blog for months. The other Office blogs are sometimes funny too, but hers is the best.
  • I got spammed with the link to these Bill Richardson ads, so I dislike that I’m passing it on because I’m making spam work. But the thing is, I really like them.
  • I totally want a ladybug mouse.
  • Also, these droplet-shaped waterproof iPod holders/speakers are pretty adorable. But I don’t know if I’d really bring my iPod into the bathroom.
  • I guess nobody needs to have an iPod at dinner either, but the idea is cool. It reminds me of that dinner in the dark concept – a multisensory way to heighten the experience of eating. Weird as hell and totally impractical, but interesting.
  • I finally got on the Twitter bandwagon. See the widget at right. I’m not totally into it, but I’ll play around for a while. If you are too, let me know.
  • Also at right is the VisualDNA widget from Imagini (via Amber). It’s gorgeous fun and best if you don’t read too much but just go and do it. And when you do, I want to see!
  • I saw Henry V this week at the Shakespeare Theatre, and as always it was totally amazing. I’ve got a season package again, so if you want to go, let me know. (And if you think I’m insufferable and weird, don’t.)
  • Seems kids who text are losing their ability to write complex thoughts well. Sad. But I question causality. Is it the fault of texting, or is it the fault of schools and parents who provide kids technology – like slapping them in front of the TV all day long – without also reading to them and teaching them grammar?
  • According to this we learn mostly by teaching and doing and conversing. But it doesn’t mention how I learn best, which is by writing. Am I weird? (…don’t answer that.)

Wow, that was a lot. Good, because I’ll be all over the place for the next couple of weeks and now I won’t feel guilty if I don’t blog. There you go. Have fun this week. And don’t forget to donate for Tracy!

….Oops, almost forgot.

Being a mama looks like an awful hard job, and I know a lot of people who make it look easy.

I’ve learned something from every mom I know, including mine.

Happy Mother’s Day.

(And, one last link if you’re a shopping mama. Or even if not, actually. I think I need this shirt. Also possibly this bag.)

Oops, one more. Because he felt left out, this is a link just for Brian.

Oh damn. Last one, I swear. Please send getting-better wishes to poor Tommy!

Edited to add: I don’t know why I’ve had to use “totally” so many times. Why am I so 80s?