Edited 04/20/06 – There are plenty of them out there, but somehow I didn’t like my picture being on this site. Sorry, it’s a strange thing, but there you are. The rest of the post remains, verbatim.
I put in this picture to the MyHeritage Face Recognition program (a new fun toy, found via Jessica) to see what came up.
To a very large boost of my ego, the first result was Nicole Kidman, a 67% match. A few people have told me there is some resemblance, which makes me very happy, but as they are very nice people, and as I usually have reddish curly hair, which I’ve found makes me identical in many people’s eyes to anyone anywhere who has ever had reddish curly hair, I don’t put too much stock in it. However, if a computer scientificallationally says so, maybe it’s really true, right?
Perhaps not. The next results were Olivia Newton-John (also 67%), Julianne Moore (62%), Shakira (61%), Halle Berry (60%) and Gloria Gaynor (57%). Suffice it to say that I don’t see the resemblance to any of these people. I only wish I looked like Shakira or Halle Berry.
And then, at 55%, I hit Howard Dean. Which took my ego boost right back.
So I have decided that I cannot really put my faith in the Advanced Face Recognition Technology just yet.
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