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Sarah Morgan


With props to the Biscuit, for so many things, including my Princess VerySpecial birthday balloon bouquet, but also for making me think of Empire Records, which is always a good thing.

And, speaking of “it’s a good thing,” Martha Stewart’s going to jail. Titter. Such is the deserving fate of those who make their fortunes by making others feel inadequate.

Insert “I bet she can’t make [name of twee household decoration] from [name of painstakingly cultivated organic item] and [name of time-consuming culinary dish] in her jail cell” joke here.

Although I duly note the point made by Gawker, that Martha’s going to jail for something hundreds of men get away with every day.

In other news, the Boy had a fantastic weekend, doing his thing the way he does so well. (Heh. Not that thing. The other one. The one that’s gonna make him famous.)

And we had a lovely evening at the trendy yet weird Pop Burger. (Caiparinha, mmmm. And presents!)

And then dinner with the fam. (And more presents!)

So: good altogether. It was a very happy birthday week indeed.