In this second post from You Write the Title III, I will not offend your intelligence by explaining who suggested this title. I will simply give you ten reasons why it is true.
- Because he is El Jefe, as Tracy christened him.
- Because he’s one of the best managers I’ve ever had the good fortune to work with, and I believe that a great boss must necessarily be a considerate, caring and intelligent human being, who therefore would also make a great date.
- Because he’s one of the rare individuals who is both very good at managing people and very good at doing his job.
- Because he is not afraid of new tricks, and now Facebooks and Tweets with the best of them, despite originally espousing strenuous beliefs that they were – let’s bowdlerize – not going to amount to much. I’ll get you on Instagram next, Jefe.
- Because he is not a high-maintenance individual. Give him a bag of Cape Cod potato chips (or, in one memorable case, an entire moving box packed full of individual bags of Cape Cod potato chips), and little else is needed for sustenance.
- Because he might be born and bred Jersey, but he is a Cape Codder by choice, and I’m starting to think that most all people who appreciate New England are pretty automatically good folks.
- Because his encyclopedic knowledge of cinema means he is awesome at trivia, choosing a movie, pub quizzes and a variety of other film applications – also he hosted a show on Turner Classic Movies with Robert Osborne and that’s pretty cool – but even with all that knowledge, he isn’t a film snob. He’s the one who recommended “Enchanted” to me.
- Because the man has needed a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich for a very long time, and he needs a nice escort for that important meal.
- Because that PB&J is an actual sandwich, not a euphemism for anything else, and after rereading that, I want to clear that up.
- Because despite an occasional earthy expression, he’s a sweeter human being than he would ever allow anyone to admit.
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