Categories: serendipity

Sarah Morgan


Because if I read these phrases in one more article, my head will explode…

  • “pop of color”
  • “menswear-inspired”
  • some-number-over-50 “ways to fix your” A. wardrobe B. body C. sex life D. sex partner
  • some-number-under-30 “minutes to a better” A. wardrobe B. body C. sex life D. sex partner
  • celebrities’ A. clothes B. bodies C. sex life partner

Am I the only one tired of it?

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  1. Karen 1 April 2011 at 9:27 am

    This is why I stick to magazines with sexy pictures of food an instructions on how to make them. Not that I ever have time to read them or make the food so you may have a point.

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