Categories: conversation

Sarah Morgan


It’s been quiet around here. (Too quiet. Let’s work on that.) The holidays have been splendid – also quiet, in parts, in a desperately appreciated way. The year has been splendid too, in total, with some bumpy patches. I’m grateful for 2012 but ready to see what can be whipped up in 2013.

Let’s wind up 2012 with a quick look at what’s gone on. Ten years of blogging. Anywhere from 31 posts a month (May, when I posted daily) to 0 (June, when I was burned out from May, but also both November and December) – 83 all year, averaging 7 a month. A lot of words.

Here were the ten you read the most:

  1. Divided We Fall: Komen v. Planned Parenthood
  2. Easy Money: Amazon Seller Central
  3. Help
  4. It Turns Out I Could Actually Not Care Much Less
  5. Who Am I to Blog? – The one that got me syndicated on BlogHer.
  6. Stop Talking, Keep Pinning – related link: my Pinterest boards
  7. History of a Laborer
  8. How Bat Man Made Me Rethink Life
  9. The Loss of Paperless
  10. Political Conversation: Oxymoron?

And ten more I liked that didn’t make that list:

  1. Is “Out” on Its Way Out?
  2. Why Do We Stop?
  3. Three Things to Know About Graduating
  4. Heaven and Hell: The Same Place?
  5. Jefferson Bethke and Whether I’m a Crap Catholic
  6. This Isn’t the Miracle I Ordered
  7. Why It’s Tiring Being Me
  8. Living Is the Only Way
  9. Always On
  10. Time to Think

Thank you for being here. Love, and peace, and hopefully better stuff from me for you to read in 2013.