Categories: creativity

Sarah Morgan


This post is part of the You Write the Title series – title submitted anonymously.

Sexy is an overused term, a societal construct, a tagline and a cliche and an excuse and a guilt trip.

Sexy is not always a good thing.

But beneath all that is what sexy really is, not what advertisers and professors think it is. And like many other things, it’s easiest to describe in examples.

What’s not sexy? Dishonesty. Indecision. Selfishness. Cowardice. The inability to converse. Dirty socks. Weakness, in every sense.

Thinking you’re sexy is nearly always not sexy.

And what is? Well, ability is sexy: knowledge, cleverness, passion, strength, endurance.

Sweat is sexy. Rain. Dimly lit champagne. Stars on a clear night. A fireplace. The sound of the ocean in the dark. Snow. Strong hands and broad shoulders. Scruff. Eye contact. Telling your truth is sexy.

Sexy is loose-limbed, with a voice gravelly and elided with sleep. Sexy is clear-eyed and confident against a challenge. Sexy is attitude plus ability. Sexy is not playing life as a zero-sum game.

Words. Words are sexy. Words may be the sexiest thing of all.